This is a piece I did for the NovaPrimePage's 2020 calendar, I was 100% free to decide the the composition, it only have to be Nova (Marvel) related, so I decide to do a sort of personal modification over the classic Nova uniform. The dog it's also a my own design, it's not bases on any other character. The story I imagined for this image was Nova (Richard Rider) finding a special dog (able to survive in space) floating on the debris of a wrecked planet, then Rich could adopt it and give part of the Nova force to make him able to fly through space to be his companion.

I wanted this piece to have some rough traditional art feeling so I tried something new for me. I did the base for the shading with traditional pencils without softening with blending stumps, then after some digital adjustments I colorized the drawing digitally trying to keep the footprints of the pencils.

*Disclaimer: Nova is property of Marvel Comics or to whom it may correspond.